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Página inicial > Projetos > Projetos de Pesquisa > Development of a Solar Photovoltaic-Based System to Power Açaí Production Process in Isolated Amazon River Dweller Communities
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Development of a Solar Photovoltaic-Based System to Power Açaí Production Process in Isolated Amazon River Dweller Communities

Última Atualização: Terça, 28 Janeiro 2020 01:01 | Acessos: 987

Vigência: 2018 - Atual |

Integrantes: Pedro F. Torres - Coordenador / Wilson Negrão Macêdo / Marcos André Barros Galhardo / André Felipe Pacheco Costa / José Arimateia A. Vieira Filho / Leonam Ferreira de Araújo / Thiago Costa |

Descrição: Several river dweller communities in the Amazon Region suffer from the lack of a reliable electrical grid to provide support for several daily applications. In most cases, electrical energy is provided by means of fossil fuel-based thermal generators (usually diesel-operated), thus increasing carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, not only in the electricity generation process, but also during fuel transportation, which is made by boats that also use diesel. Most of the consumption is to power loads used in the açaí production process. Açaí is a fruit extracted from palm trees known as Açaizeiros (Euterpe oleracea), which are very common in the Amazon Region, and an important source of nutrients and income for those communities. This project intends to develop a solar energy-based battery powered system to supply energy for the açaí production process, which involves a water pumping and treatment systems, açaí pulp extraction, and its conservation in a refrigeration unit. Such system will substitute traditional diesel generators, hence significantly contributing to lower carbon dioxide emissions by reducing fossil fuel consumptions. The project plan is to develop a prototype and install and monitor its operation in an isolated household in the proximities of Abaetetuba region in the Brazilian state of Pará. It is expected that such system can be further reproduced for several communities, based on a detailed economic feasibility analysis and by developing public-private partnership agreements.

Financiador: National Geographic Society.

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