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Página inicial > Publicações > Artigos em Periódicos > Metering systems and demand-side management models applied to hybrid renewable energy systems in micro-grid configuration
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Metering systems and demand-side management models applied to hybrid renewable energy systems in micro-grid configuration

Última Atualização: Sexta, 06 Setembro 2019 14:59 | Acessos: 545

Energy Policy | Volume 45, March 2012 |


This paper proposes a demand-side management model integrated to a metering system for hybrid renewable energy systems in micro-grid configuration. The proposal is based on the management problems verified in most of this kind of renewable hybrid systems installed in Brazil. The main idea is the implementation of a pre-paid metering system with some control functions that directly act on the consumer demand, restricting the consumption proportionally to the monthly availability of renewable energy. The result is a better distribution of the electricity consumption by month and by consumer, preventing that only one user, with larger purchasing power, consumes all the renewable energy available at some time period. The proportionality between the consumption and the renewable energy's availability has the objective to prevent a lack of energy stored and a high use of the diesel generator-set on months of low renewable potential. This paper also aims to contribute to the Brazilian regulation of renewable energy systems supplying micro-grids.

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