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Página inicial > Publicações > Artigos em Periódicos > Regulatory Actions due to Small Termal Plants of Isolated Systems Using Telemetering Control
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Regulatory Actions due to Small Termal Plants of Isolated Systems Using Telemetering Control

Última Atualização: Sexta, 06 Setembro 2019 16:24 | Acessos: 556

IEEE Latin America Transations | Volume 7, September 2009 |


In Brazil, the small isolated electrical systems are able to attend just 2% of the total electricity market of Brazil, although an amount of 340 thermal plants are spread along 40% of its territory. One of the main problems of these systems is the lack off supervisory control, related to the distances involved and telecommunication difficulties. On the other hand, these plant owners receive oil with subsidized price that is paid by the total electricity market agents of the country. The total subsidy account was about US$ 1.5 billion in 2004. This paper show an application of telemetering in four small power plants of Amazon Region, performed by ANEEL (Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency) associated with ARCON (State of Paraacute Regulatory Agency), in order to establish some kind control for these systems. The least cost of these project related to the traditional supervisory and control systems is the system greater attractive. The data collected is treated and the results have been signalizing a plenty of corrective actions, like as changes in the dispatch scale, improving operative conditions with a best economic response. The results were very expressive, so we can highlight the ANEEL Regulatory Act 163/2005, that provides issues to install similar control systems in the power plants all over the isolated systems of Brazil.

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