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Página inicial > Publicações > Artigos em Periódicos > Mutual Influence Between Harmonics and Nonlinear Loads
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Mutual Influence Between Harmonics and Nonlinear Loads

Última Atualização: Sexta, 06 Setembro 2019 16:23 | Acessos: 544

IEEE Latin America Transactions | Volume 6, December 2008 |


This work presents and analyzes cases where mutual influence between voltage and/or current harmonic content and nonlinear loads occurs. These influences are exemplified by means of undertaken measurements and simulations, such as: the supply of nonlinear loads with different voltage waveforms, especially loads composed of a rectifier with capacitive filter; the influence of current harmonic content in the supply voltage; the combination of three-phase and single phase loads; and the mutual influence of harmonic content of shunt-connected loads, emphasizing, in these last two cases, the possibility of harmonic compensation.

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