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Página inicial > Publicações > Artigos em Periódicos > Operational results of grid-connected photovoltaic system with different inverter's sizing factors (ISF)
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Operational results of grid-connected photovoltaic system with different inverter's sizing factors (ISF)

Última Atualização: Sexta, 06 Setembro 2019 17:18 | Acessos: 530

Progress in Photovoltaics | Volume 15, December 2006 |


This paper presents operational results of a 11,07 kWp grid‐connected photovoltaic system. This system is made up by eight groups with different relationships between the inverter's rated power and the PV generator's maximum power (Purn:x-wiley:10627995:media:PIP740:tex2gif-stack-1 / Purn:x-wiley:10627995:media:PIP740:tex2gif-stack-2) . The obtained results led to the verification that the different studied relationships, Purn:x-wiley:10627995:media:PIP740:tex2gif-stack-3 / Purn:x-wiley:10627995:media:PIP740:tex2gif-stack-4 between 55 and 102%, do not affect significantly the final yields (YF).

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