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Página inicial > Publicações > Artigos em Periódicos > Application of Energy Conservation Measures and their Impact on the Thermal-Energetic Performance of a Building in the Brazilian Amazon Region. A Case Study
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Application of Energy Conservation Measures and their Impact on the Thermal-Energetic Performance of a Building in the Brazilian Amazon Region. A Case Study

Última Atualização: Quinta, 05 Setembro 2019 14:38 | Acessos: 748

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering | Volume 140, February 2018| 


This paper focuses on the thermal and energetic behavior of a building located in the Brazilian Amazon Region, a region climatically characterized by elevated temperatures and high humidity levels, where achieving adequate thermal comfort demands a high-energy consumption due to the use of air-conditioning systems. Therefore, different energy conservation measures (ECMs) need to be evaluated to reduce the thermal load for cooling. The use of a thermal insulation material on the west wall and on the roof, and a photovoltaic (PV) system integrated as an architectural element and adapted to the roof of the building are considered. The building is simulated with the software energyplus, with its thermal behavior and energy consumption analyzed for an entire year and for a chosen design day, defined with data measured by a weather station installed close to the building. According to the evaluations carried out, it is determined that the ECMs have a direct and major influence on the reduction of the thermal load for cooling, on the reduction of the effects caused by radiation with the shading on the eaves, and the reduction of the transmittance on the surfaces that were modified in the study. In terms of energy consumption and economic feasibility, the ECMs reach an annual energy saving percentage of 74% for the building chosen as the case study, and the solutions adopted provide the return of the financial investment, proving suitable for energy saving and economically viable for regions with similar climatic characteristics.

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